The world spins on its axis, while it spins around the sun spinning on its axis. And spinning on its axis the moon circles the earth. These are amazing sights to visualize. The interaction of people is interesting to watch. You learn amazing things about people by watching their body language and actions.
Information overload is chronic today. All the technology produces it but we're ineffective at building technology which effectively organizes all that knowledge at this time. Once we do that, we will have effectively begun to utilize the technology in ways we haven't dreamed of.
Like people, technology is in a state chaos, ironic considering the underlying method it uses. It's a mirror of us. We have to refine ourselves as well. Cultivate our divine inner spark. So it's a white hot flame of divine purpose that permeates our being. When we have mastered ourselves, we'll successfully master the world around us, including the technology, not the reverse as most people do today.
Refine our mental control, and exercise the mind. Tune in to the voice of our true inner spirit.
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