Friday, October 25, 2002

The Matrix is an age old myth updated to a modern setting. One of a profound realization that one has when one realizes the truth of existence. Or is that putting it too simply? Is there more about Neo, (oNe eoN Neo) like how he can see possibilities that the Matrix hasn't yet calculated. How he possesses a deeper innate understanding, so deep it's more subconcious than concious for most of his life until a series of stressful events push these abilties to the surface. One such pinnacle moment is the meeting with the Oracle. Where she tells Neo that Morpheus will put himself up in exchange to protect Neo. Where Morpheus will give his life in exchange for Neo's? And what happens? Who creates a different outcome in so many ways? The act of saving Morpheus is tailored to drive the abilities to the surface further. Until it culminates in the final fight seen where Neo shatters the Matrix driven agent. Talk about the ultimate hacker movie. Talk about hacking reality. Changing one's destiny. That nothing is preordained if we believe strongly enough in our own free will, guided by a strong character with strong ethics towards an outcome that is beneficial for all. A utopian ideal in some ways as the character who betrayed Neo showed us. Because human greed, a weakness, can be prayed upon by playing on the vices of a man which is what the agents did with him in some ways.

- Yoda


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