This is from the heart. For me, personally, love is like my spiritual work. I share it in words. I share it in my actions. I strive to be someone who projects love and spirit in all my deeds. When I stray from the path because my ego begins to babble out of control, then I take a moment and remember to love myself and I do that when I stop for a moment and listen to the inner peace. It reminds me of the stable foundation of faith in the Great Work and my path that I have because I hear the call of my divine inner spark. Like a candle in an unlit room. Or the breaking rays of the sunshine on a clear dawn. The universes actions to show me the divine laws at work. And if I see something that feels out of place or I am unsure of it, then I ask the spirit to show me the love of the universe and those little signs that it knows mean something to me will begin to appear to explain things to me. Seeking inner peace and solitude will allow one to see what moves the spirit around us. We simply have to open ourselves with a view that the universe loves us, proof is that we are hear to work and the universe provides. Faith is the great connector for us to the divine. Listen, see, touch, feel, above all experience the love all around you. Let there be light, let there be love, love under law. Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law.
- Yoda
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