Friday, August 30, 2002

Here's something I was reading tonight. It's very reminiscent of conversations I've had with a few people and thoughts that I've had myself. That cyberspace is a new realm or dimension. Possibly like the astral plane that mystics speak of. A place where connections can be made.

- Yoda

Thursday, August 22, 2002

...Update being constructed....

It's time.

Time for the world to wake up. To what we're doing to ourselves, each other, the planet.

- Yoda

Wednesday, August 14, 2002

Good evening folks,

It's been a while. Been busy with the mudane world. Such is the life of the corporate minion.

I want to share a poem.

A Ghost for Now

I wonder how much of a ghost I am for her?
How much those memories of that summer haunt her?
I know how much they haunt me.

The thought of those eyes,
that hair, and the way she walked.
The sound of her laugher,
The smile on her face.

Those are some of the things that made my heart skip a beat.
And now I revell in the past feelings of passion.
How it stirs inside me,
and skips again when I see her still.

Yes, I think it was love.
In fact, I know it was.

I hope someday to show her this.
Or maybe she'll just find it by chance.

- Yoda

Friday, August 09, 2002

Back to work.

- Yoda

Ah, the weekend. Here once again. Such a fun time. To explore.

I feel prolific. Today was a good day at work.

Now I'm home and do a different kind of work. Something much harder, but quite rewarding. Something which is growing. Moment by moment. And then I like to stop in here every now and then and share some thoughts.

The new project. Hmmm...part of the larger picture I believe. It will get noticed. When the time is right. And that time sure feels like now. And I know this is part of this work too. Since I'm feeling prolific, that's what I'm trying to exemplify.

Hmm. I think I'm rambling now. Going to stop for a while.

- Yoda

Thursday, August 08, 2002

Yoda is now going to do a bit of work. The real work. Well this is part of it too. But there's more. Much more to come.

Stay tuned.

- Yoda

I like these blogs, but I can think of some other features I'd like to see. Hmmm...gotta check out some more of those Open Source projects on SourceForge Pity those fellas worked their busines model the way they did. All wrong. Proof is that it's not generating the kind of business for them that they expected. Or so the rumour goes. But they sure did spawn alot of other good open source projects to take their place. Ah yes, the wonderful expansion capability of influence technology can give us. It's quite the tool to level the playing field between people and companies. That's what Open Source does for you. Levels the playing field. Come on Mr. Gates. How much of that money do you really need? To be happy? I wonder how happy and loved Bill Gates feels? Maybe we'll never know. I wonder if the money helps?

- Yoda

Why don't people want to know more about sex? About life? About each other?

I'm wondering about this tonight. It's on my mind.

We forget how to be explorers of ourselves and thus we forget how to explore others? Is this possible? have to forget how to love yourself? One must never forget to love oneself. And even then we may suffer because love and suffering come together....We have the internal space of who we are to explore...that's what Yoda symbolized I think...for when we explore inwards there is more than enough to go around for all of us...after all we are existing in Infinity and Infinity in us. Yet we are all singular in our existence within this Infinity and it within us.

So what holds us back? What are the shackles that bind us but the suffering? I think it is our simple lack of understanding. Anything and Everything. Everything in its place and a place for everything. Just accept it. Study it. Observe. Listen. Instead I hear people blaming inanimate objects for their problems. A friend of mine said something very similar to that once. As far as I can remember. I'll have to ask her sometime if she doesn't read this.

Check out this link.

- Yoda

Yoda is hovering tonight.

Wednesday, August 07, 2002

LateMan is finally here.

On another note, a lady I know passed some of her erotic writing on to me tonight. Well two different women actually. This last one was unfinished and it would light your pants on fire. Yes it was that hot. She's good. Told her so myself. Love seeing a creative talent being expressed like that. Doing what one enjoys and doing it well. Part of the work. Like what you do. And do what you like. When those two meet, you're lucky. You're blessed I guess one could say. If you believe in the beneficint ability of one man to bless another. Heck why not just bless yourself. Hmmm...what is a blessing? Have to search for that one.

Note: to Self and to Blog developers. Please add a damned Spell Checker. Does anyone know of a Java based spellchecker that you could build into a blogger and such? Be a nice addittion. Should be part of the basics of something like this. *sigh* such simple things, yet so hard to obtain. I think I've made my point.

- Yoda

My head hurts. Days when I feel like I can't stuff anymore in. Thank goodness for books. Reference material is a blessing.

Unfortunately, there is additional knowledge that isn't contained in books and it's passed on orally. It's a common practice. And it is usually stuff that is pretty basic once you understand it. It's like Root level access on server. You've got total control with his kind of knowledge. A dangerous place to be if you're ill equipped to deal with the repercussions of messing up. Brass Monkey Nuts for this stuff.

Read my words yes. Listen to my words? Now that's a whole 'nother ball of wax. Spoken words have alot of power. Always have. It is the utterance which distinguishes it from inscribed. One can last for an eternity the other can last for only the moment, but which is which. Because they are equally as powerful. Combine them. Along with thought and you have a man on a mission. A thinking man. A real thinking man or woman for that matter. Reading. Writing. Speaking. On the Internet. To the world. All the world's a stage as Rush sang. Cheers to my friend Mr. Lockwood. Good man he is and so was his father. We are all so lucky and we don't know it.

LateMan still isn't here. Ah well. It is his essence. Well at least a part of him.

This blogger was a cool idea. Nice place to wander with your mind. If you're into that. Taking yourself to another place. So people do it physically...some people do it mentally...maybe even spiritually. Then again since you're on a path, assuming you believe you're on a path, wouldn't you be taking yourself somewhere on many levels anyway? Then again at that moment you're at the centre of your own existence. A point on the path. And it sure isn't one dimensional like a dot or line on a page. Or a . on the screen. A packet traveling on the LAN. Life Area Network. The points of connection are other computers on the network representing the people you connect with, successfully or unsuccessfully. And since an unsuccessful connection could potentially be someone who doesn't exist anymore, maybe they're offline in a sense of the word or concept. Friends are like the great sites or computers you always like to visit. They can be like home at times too. And then we move on...all part of the Life Area Network well on one level that is.

- Yoda

The force is strong.

- Yoda

Ever wonder what my parent's were like? Speaking as Yoda of course.

Let me tell you about my parents. Wonderful people they are. Loving supportive. And yes they do get on my nerves sometime as do I on theirs. It's all fair in LOVE and war. And when you are lucky enough to get to place where you see your mother and father as equals as human beings in all their wonder and flaws, you know that's a great place to be. For they see you the same way. Yes part of them too still sees you as the child you were when you were younger but you're grown now and a man. Out in the world. Exploring. Searching.

- Yoda

Just spoke with LateMan. ETA 1 hour later.

Another online friend says I'm on a search and most people don't realize they are for that matter. I agree.

Most people go through life on Autopilot. I look to meet those following their true path.

BTW, Since I said in Empire Strikes Back, "Do or do not, there is no try." Would people please remind me when I use the word try? Wanna make sure I'm doing. Reinforce words with action. Be Do Have. That's all there is. Be who you're supposed to Be. Do things as you are Being and you will Have. Some may argue the semantics of such things as Being too simple. The joke on us is that most things are simple. Teachers complicate things so that people can understand them. Well the good ones do.

There once was a lady I knew and still no now for that matter, who was my teacher, is a teacher and she has taught me alot. She knows it. I know it. I look forward to learning more from her. I sent her the link. I hope she takes a look and reads this. To know how important this work is to me. That I'm not blowing her off or dismissing what she has said.

This blog is part of my work. It's a place to write these thoughts when they come to me.

- Yoda

Wonder when that guy is gonna get here? Wonder if he'll be patently late? Ah well, that's one of his trademarks, LateMan. That's what I'll call him.

Weather's been nice. Cooler now, not so damned humid.

Have you ever had moments when you feel connected to everything? So wired in that you can feel sounds? When a conversation is going so well that time stops and you forget about everything else? I love those moments. Have them with some of my friends. A place I could be all the time if I could swing it. "And this too shall pass" There will be a time when I will if that's part of the work. I see the signs that guide me. I have to watch for them. I have to study. Work hard. Continue to press on. For in the end Truth shall prevail.

- Yoda

I'm back. Chatting with another friend and I feel a moment to write here.

She read this and told me it sounds like a person on a search. Is that how you would interpret Yoda's writings? Or do you need to know more?

- Yoda

Well...welcome to Yoda's Online's a nickname I was given..due to my affinty with computers and my height. Now those of you who are reading this. From that alone you will know who I am. Please keep it off this site. You can tell me in person. If you figure it out. ONLY IN PERSON.

Right now I feel inspired to write here. I may not post for a while. If the inspiration isn't there. Down inside. When I feel like Yoda. I know when I'm having those moments and I enjoy them. Like right now.

I'm also chatting with an online friend while I post to the blog. I could be doing many things. I'm real. So not always here....who knows maybe I'll post more often. For now I'm going to get back to my more immediate dialogue.
