Sunday, April 30, 2006

You Can't Put a Good Man Down

We're all God's children
We're someone's son,
brother, father, grandfather,
uncle, husband, lover,
companion and

Each day we strive
to be better man
then we were the
day before

Each step along
the way
carries us further
along our journey
as a member
of a fraternity, as a
member of a family
and as a person
in the whole of

Good men
don't care about
recognition or fame.
For them,
It's all about
being of service to
the world.

Good men help
other's when they're
down and
lift themselves up,
dust themselves off
and go on
Sometimes even
they need a helping
hand, for them
afterall it's part of
the experience of
the human journey.

Their effort to be better than the
moment before
is a gift they wish
to give to make the
world a better place
for all.


The Garden of Friendship

Friendships come
friendship go

Friendships expand and
test our boundaries
They challenge us
help us grow

Love your enemies
as you do your friends

And like many a garden
of this world
Even weeds need
a place to grow

These are the ways
to cultivate
The Garden of Friendship

(David Carlson)

Saturday, April 29, 2006

"Friendship begins when we say hello, and progresses however we choose."

- Yoda

"Count your blessings moment by moment"


Life is a story we write, that we live and some of us document with an autobiography or two. Loved ones pass from this life and we go on till it's our turn to return Home. Hopefully, everywhere we go, we feel at home and that's a real blessing when we're fortunate enough to have that happen. We are a spirutal being on a human journey it has been said and these moments are brief and memorable for all of those whose paths we cross.

Friday, April 28, 2006

I've read David Hawkins' book Power vs Force that you can read about here on his publishing company's website and have also been reading his book "I". Powerful stuff. Definitely not books for the faint of heart cause they contains much profound knowledge that Dr Hawkins' so generously shares with all of us. I learned about this wonderful book from a friend of mine I chat with online. Although he's not around much online these days, he's still in my thoughts and prayers. All of us are. Hope for the best for all of us. That's a win-win situation.

Thank you Dr. David Hawkins for sharing this, we are truly blessed.

- Yoda

i was surfing and reading this link. that a friend passed on to me while we were chatting. I realized early on... "well he's talking about that at the beginning in the essay on fragmentation and wholeness...frag (to break or break up) mentation (thinking) so it's about the subdivision of thinking and forgetting it is part of a greater whole" ... "too much detachment is much like anything, our overemphasis on detachment and our battle against attachment to the material can be detrimental in excess. the subtle, like the silent are reminders of the deeper whole"

- Yoda

"an ability to observe is a gift :) just as much as the ability to participate :)

A note about some realizations.

"I'm broke too for the moment, it doesn't last long. I'm blessed that way. Although I've promised myself to manage my money better and it begins with believing in being surrounded by abundance. and I believe it." This idea will help me believe in abundance as it is a statement about it and it's on-going presence in my life.

Food for thought.
