Thursday, June 24, 2004

"An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind." - Buddha

And so in a nutshell Buddha explains why when a friend mistreats us, we are bothered by it so.

I am puzzled by people and how they treat others at times. Especially when I make a point of living by the Golden Rule and treating people how I wish to be treat.

People whom I've known for the better part of my life and they decide they're going to ignore me or abruptly stop communicating. When someone ignores you, I think it's rude. I also know from my own experiences of ignoring people at various times in my life it was due to not wanting to drawn into their drama. In this particular instance, it was simple straight forward questions and in another instance, it was in the midst of a conversation that was going on and the friend said they were going to call me when they were up here on the Canada Day long weekend. Oh well, more experiences and lessons to reflect on and that I can learn from.

I'm going through alot of that right now. I've had some interesting experiences in channeling spirits. *long story* Needless to say I'm blessed and feel very fortunate that I'm being asked to relay messages of importance to others.

As time passes and things are unfolding before me I'm noticing more and more and my awareness feels like it continues to expand. This period of deep inner reflection has been very useful but I do truly miss my conversations with my love and her insights. She is such a brilliant and beautiful woman. I guess we're similar that way too. We don't always realize fully what we bring to the world.

I'm going to close for now. Maybe write more later. Hopefully this will become a more regular thing again.

- Yoda

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Tonight I was having a conversation with a friend of mine and came up with another quote.

"I'm a spec of sand on the vast beach that the divine peers across looking out onto the vast sea of the universe"

Today was an interesting day. Sitting at the local mall and writing out a letter to my beloved long hand and I had some interesting realizations that were then backed up or echoed in Robin Sharma's book, "The Saint, The Surfer and The CEO" that I'm currently re-reading. I like re-reading good books. Always get more out of a well written book everytime I read them and this is one I recommend.

- Yoda

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Today is another one of those tulmultuous days. Highs and lows all in the same day. Had one of these earlier this week. Roller coaster ride on so many levels.

- Yoda

Saturday, June 05, 2004

How can a man love another when he does not love himself?

How can a man show love and compassion to others when he does not show this to himself?

How can a person heal others unless they first heal themselves?

Right now I'm very perplexed about things. I am drained. I am torn. I am battered.

I am not where I wish to be, yet how do I console myself till the time I am there in that place?

- Yoda

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Happiness isn't a fleeting moment, happiness is a way of life. It is an attitude and way of looking at the world, just like being grumpy, or negative or disgruntled about your lot in life. When life is getting to you, take a walk in a yard or the forest or a park and look at the trees and the flowers and the bees. It may sound corny, but the struggle between the free will of our ego and voice of our spirit is the only battle that rages that matters. When we find peace within our self, we will find that the world is at peace with us.

- Yoda