Wednesday, February 12, 2003

This a great new prototyping board that I found while perusing and it runs Linux too.

Lots of cool possibilities with this thing.

- Yoda

I asked about what friend knew about a Kundalini Awakening and this is what she wrote.

"That it is reaching total enlightment.. that it crosses the boundaries of religion..
that it is tearing down the lines and boundaries by which we have been taught to live by and become ONE with all things"

Jan 11 2003 Lady Deianeira

download ... "No Matter What" ... by boyzone

Om bhur bhuvah svah tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah prachodayat

Oh God! Thou art the Giver of Life, Remover of pain and sorrow, The Bestower of happiness, Oh! Creator of the Universe, May we receive thy supreme sin-destroying light, May Thou guide our intellect in the right direction.


I no longer agree with this quotation I cite below. ~DEC

----- edited Sept. 27, 2011 -----

Faith of consciousness is freedom
Faith of feeling is weakness
Faith of body is stupidity

Love of consciousness evokes the same in response
Love of feeling evokes the oppisite
Love of body depends only on type and polarity

Hope of consciousness is strength
Hope of feeling is slavery
Hope of body is disease

- couldn't read Author's Name
----edit Sept. 27, 2011 -----
'Space Paste' heart chakra, but it's a legal high that will get you pleasantly buzzed. DO NOT OMIT ANY INGREDIENTS. Trust me. 4 parts nutmeg (ground from whole nutmeg) 4 parts almonds (soak almonds overnight and rinse) 4 parts *raw* pistachios 2 parts cinnamon 1 part cumin 1 part tarragon 1 part oregano 1 part basil 1 part tumeric 1/2 part cayenne pepper 1/2 part black pepper To taste: Maple Syrup One part equals 1/4 cup. [if you want to make enough for about 500 people, that is. Try 1 part=1 tablespoon--ed] - Use only whole nutmeg. Not pre-ground. - Grind up all ingredients with a spice grinder or food processor. - Mix in Maple syrup until consistency of paste. - Do not omit any ingredient, or it will NOT work.

Power vs Force The Hidden Determinants of Human Nature by David Hawkins

Just a few tidbits from Cyberspace.

- Yoda

Saturday, February 08, 2003

Peace will come of it's own accord when people realize that bringing peace to their own lives first will bring peace to the world.

- Yoda

Updated: Dec. 15, 2004 @9:11PM

Peace will come of it's own accord when people realize that bringing peace to their own lives first is what brings peace to the world.

- Yoda