Had an interesting conversation online tonight. I was being asked to help someone with regards to the future of their love life and this is the response I gave. Specifically they wanted to know when their love life would return again.
"when you begin seeking love by giving it away to women who catch your eye"
They asled me to explain myself further and this is how i expanded on my original answer.
"you will have the love you are seeking when you begin giving away that kind of love to women who you find catch your interest
the right one will send the same love back to you...when you feel and see that...you'll know what you've found..."
I answered some of my own questions with those statements. So I know I benefitted from the question too. I pray this person will also understand in time and find the happiness they seek. I know that I have found mine in the most perfect way. It's like a dream come true. And in many ways it is, that and more.
Just thought I'd share a thought.
- Yoda