You Can't Put a Good Man Down
We're all God's children
We're someone's son,
brother, father, grandfather,
uncle, husband, lover,
companion and
Each day we strive
to be better man
then we were the
day before
Each step along
the way
carries us further
along our journey
as a member
of a fraternity, as a
member of a family
and as a person
in the whole of
Good men
don't care about
recognition or fame.
For them,
It's all about
being of service to
the world.
Good men help
other's when they're
down and
lift themselves up,
dust themselves off
and go on
Sometimes even
they need a helping
hand, for them
afterall it's part of
the experience of
the human journey.
Their effort to be better than the
moment before
is a gift they wish
to give to make the
world a better place
for all.